Tuesday, 20 October 2015

The Ultimate Tailgate Party

When it comes to football, whether college or NFL, Tailgating parties have become an American ritual. Synonymous with food, drinks and camaraderie, this classic get-together is a glorified picnic on wheels and is the largest and most elaborate are the better. It does not take a motor home to create an energized atmosphere, just a little creativity and a well thought out game plan.

So if you are a beginner or a seasoned pro, the following playbook will help you run a flawless party.

Warm-up pre-game
The first and most important part of planning a back door is preparation. So, consider starting with a list of all the items you need. Click here for a comprehensive list of all items that will make your celebration party a true success.

Team list
Be sure to ask for help from some friends who will join you. This is not the time for a one-man-show. Remember, there is no "I" in team. After determining a list of items to be brought, as well as its menu, you can start delegating. Choose people you can trust and who knows can complete the passage.

The playing field
The next important thing to consider is the location. Whenever you come off "ride" greatly contribute to the life and vibrancy of the general part. If you have an assigned parking space, then it is one of the lucky ones, but if you are like the other 90% of the fans, you probably need to stake a claim earlier in the day. If you can, research some places a few days before the big game. Ideally, you'll want to be as close to the stage as possible so that you will be in the middle of the excitement and buzz.

Pack everything with convenience in mind. So it does not mean you have to be cheap, just want to say that by doing so prepare in advance as possible, your life will be easier and socializing you'll be able to enjoy.

When you package your car or truck, put all food items and smaller items first and then the larger, bulkier items such as chairs, tables and grills last, so there is a natural evolution that you unpack and set up your area.

team spirit
You never know who you'll be parking next door, so you'll want it to be obvious that the team is hoping. Rioters, tents, sheets and all other decorations should be reflective of your team colors.

Make it easier for his fellow troublemakers to meet him. Start with a tent, attach a flag, hang banners, custom banner or paper lanterns. Do not be afraid to splurge in this area.

Cooking grills, folding, tables, tablecloths, recyclable plates & cups, corkscrews, bottle openers, paper towels and garbage bags are all rich are to this day.

Do not forget to take the lounge chairs. Why are you in because there brings a whole room worth of furniture.

Tune your car stereo to local coverage game or go big and set up a TV so everyone can hear the pre-game interviews and follow other great games that are happening that day.

Do not forget to get a pool for the game or pack to shoot a football. Cornhole toss always adds a friendly competition for the festivities.

Of course, you always hope that the game will be full of action, but some games just become

Keep your team happy unauthorized use throughout the game, playing this friendly match:

Start with a cup that everyone puts a dollar. If the team does not make the down and the ball goes to the other team, then the person who holds the World Cup adds another dollar and passes the cup to the next person. While advancing the team with the ball, the person holding the cup stays with it and if they score a touchdown, they win the cup and the game starts all over again.

Consider the set time, as this can help you decide what kind of food and drinks to serve. If it is a kick-off 10:00, after the Bloody Mary would be the obvious choice to drink and Brunch can make an interesting twist.

When it comes to food, making the preparation as far as possible. Pack as much food as they can in real containers which you will serve. This will help to avoid extra in the game. If you will need utensils to eat with, pre-wrap in napkins. Not only does this make for a better presentation, but it is also easier to grab rioters companions as they serve up.

Drinks actually can be the first thing you think of when you think of the back door and not without reason. I think the main reason why people get together despite sub-zero temperatures, is not just for the hype before the game, but the most important for libations. The glass can be prohibited, so check the rules (or at least as lenient are) to drink in public or on campus. If you choose not to make beer, think about serving punch that can be kept in large containers or coolers and served in paper or plastic cups.

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